Just Give a "Little Jesus" Away

Why #LittleJesus

"A Little Jesus can make a big impact!"

At Green Valley Baptist, we are the community church house that shares a powerful message of spreading the love of Jesus. We believe that the world needs to witness the attitudes, actions, power, and presence of Jesus through His people.

Our "Just give A Little Jesus Away" is about making it easier to talk about Jesus to another person. So, starting August 2024 we are going to giving "Little Jesus" figurines away to special people God has chosen to place in our path.  

We are passionate about sharing "A Little Jesus" with anyone whom God brings into our path. Whether we share a small representation of Jesus or display it in our community, it has the potential to lead people to consider the real Jesus. I believe that distributing "A Little Jesus" in our communities should also serve as a challenge for those of us who are called to follow Him.

What the world needs to see is Jesus in others. Ultimately, it comes down to allowing the power and presence of Jesus to shine through our attitudes and actions. Reflecting Jesus and letting others know that He lives in each of us by living out Matthew 28.

Everyone needs a "Little Jesus", and people need to see Jesus in all of us."

Just Say'n- Pastor Frank Lott

It's our responsibility to let Jesus' presence shine through us and show others He lives within each of us. 

Let's challenge ourselves to embody the love and presence of Jesus in everything we do. After all, what the world needs to see is Jesus in all of us.

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